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This 100% affordable multi-family rental housing project located on the southeast portion of the Kihei Downtown Project in Kihei, Maui was awarded 4% low-income housing tax credits (LIHTC), Rental Housing Revolving Funds (RHRF), and Hula Mae Multi-Family Bonds in July 2021. 

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A truly affordable, mixed-use community in Kihei, Maui that supports positive and healthy lifestyles for local independent kupuna. This development will contain 97 units of rental housing affordable to kupuna at or below 60% AMI. Project residents will be able to enjoy the convenience of shopping where they live.

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 A 105-unit $39.7 million affordable kupuna rental housing mid-rise with covered parking stalls and an onsite Community Resource Center in urban Honolulu in Moiliili on the island of Oʻahu. Awarded HHFDC funding. Construction started on September 1, 2021 with tenants expected to move in around February 2023.


 52-unit multi-family affordable rental housing development on a 1.95 acre portion of a 2.78 acre parcel in the ili of Maili, in the ahupua‘a of Lualualei, in the district of Waiʻanae on the island of Oʻahu. Construction completed in December 2020 and it is now fully occupied.

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A multi-family development in undeveloped land in Līhuʻe, Kauai nearby Kukui Grove Center and several other community establishments. The project will contain two phases of 156 units of affordable rental housing for low-income families. The building design calls for sustainably built three-story garden style walk-ups.

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This project entails the complete repurposing of the Ulu Ke Kukui transitional apartments into long term affordable rentals for native Hawaiians. It will offer 40 spacious two-bedroom, two-bath apartment units in a beautifully redesigned community for native Hawaiian families in need of affordable rental housing. 


Kewalo Apartments is a 38 unit affordable rehabilitation apartment housing property located at 1407 Kewalo Street near Lunalilo Street.

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The second phase of this high-rise development includes 143 units of family housing targeted to households earning 30%-60% of AMI. Construction has been completed with tenants already moving in.


Initiative to develop accessory dwelling units and ohana units as affordable housing on existing homestead lots across Oahu.


48-unit affordable rental housing project with a resource center, management unit, and laundry located on DHHL lands. Fully occupied with a long waiting list.

Halawa View Apartments is a 121 unit affordable rehabilitation housing property located at 99-009 Kalaloa Street near the entrance to Pearl Harbor.

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On July 11, 2019, the State of Hawaii’s Housing Finance and Development Corp.  approved a total of $130 million in tax-exempt bonds, low-interest loans, state and federal tax credits for the 24-story tower and adjacent 22-story tower, which will provide 302 low-income rental apartments in Halawa about ½ mile from Aloha Stadium.


25 replacement homes of dilapidated homes in the various Hawaiian Homestead communities.

72 unit emergency, transitional and long-term low-income rental housing project with a large Weinberg resource center.

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